Friday, January 31, 2014


This week went by kind of fast we didn't do much. Although I am very appreciative of Mr. Sweeney and his decision of making our class in the library instead of all the way across campus in the freezing cold, and I am even luckier that i checked my email before I decided to skate all the way over there

The stories we had to read this week were “Hills Like White Elephants” and “The Chrysanthemums”. I actually recall reading “Hills Like White Elephants” in high school and it was a good reading after i cam to understand the analysis of the hills being compared to a pregnant baby. I am not really that found of all of the dialog though because its gets tiresome and kind of confusing after a while. As I read “The Chrysanthemums” it seemed like a pleasant enough story with a nice setting but I was sort of pointless or maybe I am understanding it incorrectly, I say this because overall the woman is just upset because the tinker threw out her plants and even though she cherished them and loved them it really wasn’t anything to cry over in my opinion. Also in the story I felt as if her and her husband were not necessarily on the same page, I do feel like he cares about her I just don’t think they were mentally in tune with each other to call themselves husband and wife.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. Having class in the library that day was far more convenient than having to make my way all the way down to the Humanities building. Unfortunately, I was not as intrigued by the "Chrysanthemums" story. However, I found that the "Hills Like White Elephants" story to be quite intriguing. I also remember reading in high school. And it made much more sense now that I have read it for a second time.
